Ignoring Your Struggles with Health, Finances, and Relationships Won’t Make It Get Better!

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    Sometimes our attention is on everything else except the imperative things fairly screaming for attention. I know that the phrase “evaluate your life” can sometimes bring on an eyeroll or two- and for others this is only common sense. Evaluating your life can mean many things- from figuring out why you are struggling to connect with the people around you, or having a hard time finding opportunities for career growth, or losing sleep worrying about financial independence but feeling trapped in a job that gives you no meaning…or wondering how you will cope with the demands from everyone, while you ignore your own needs. We all do it. It’s actually become the norm to be self-sacrificing. But at what cost? What are you neglecting about yourself as you do this?

    Maybe it’s time to take a step back and evaluate your life so that improvements can be made. This could look like coming to terms with your past and envisioning what you want for your future. There is power in a pause. There is grace in reflection. Running on the hamster wheel can only last so long before the truth of what your current state actually is hits you over the head. Whether it’s developing a chronic illness, depression, or feeling like you are constantly “on” having the courage to look, evaluate and fix your life is worth it. You are worth it.

    How Can You Achieve Balance?

    Have you ever heard about the “Wheel of Life” exercise? This is one of the tools I leverage to help clients take a good look at their life and ask themselves what they really want. It’s a fantastic way to take a good, hard look at each facet of your life, and rate its relative quality level, so you can uncover which areas need more attention than others. The idea behind this assessment is that there are key areas in life (i.e. mental, physical, emotional and spiritual, etc.) that are important to your fulfillment.

    You essentially get a “helicopter” view of your life, and it empowers you to identify where you are excelling and, more importantly, what the areas for improvement are- then we develop a plan to close the between where you are today and where you want to be.

    Sending you positive thoughts for more clarity, confidence, and certainty.


    P.S. If you want to learn more about how I help executive women successfully balance these responsibilities, excell at high-powered careers and build strong plans for wealth, life and career goals, schedule a complimentary Clarity Session.