How To Boost Self-Confidence as a Female Executive

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    Female executives need to possess confidence as one of their most essential traits. At the same time, achieving and maintaining a high confidence level is not so easy – it gets even more frustrating is you are a female and work in a male-dominated industry.  A research study done in 2019 by Lean In shows that men hold 62% of manager-level seats and women hold just 38%. Therefore, work more on your self-confidence as a female executive. Lack of self-confidence can decrease your chances of being promoted to higher managerial positions, but the encouraging news is that self-confidence is something you can build over time. The following tips can help:

    1. Find your Passion and Purpose

    To feel happy and fulfilled as a female executive, you need to find your passion and purpose in life. It is essential to find something that brings you joy and makes you feel fulfilled both professionally and personally.  Getting out of the status quo and deciding to persuing your passion may come with many challenges – but by sticking with your goals, you can boost your self-confidence and be successful as an executive. 

    1. Reclaim your Health and Time

    As a female executive, balancing work and personal obligations may seem overwhelming and exhausting. This invariably leads to stress, which negatively affects your self-confidence and self-esteem even more. Now, more than ever, it is necessary to take some time out for yourself. Take a break after work, invest in yourself by attending workshops or seminars, breathe! Taking the time for yourself will help you recharge and refocus. Simple things such as eating healthy meals, getting activity in and getting adequate sleep will boost your mood and improve your overall physical health and well-being.

    1. Manage Finance Wisely

    Manage your finances wisely. Having a financial plan, with short and longer term goals mean you can be certain now, look forward to a future that looks bright and know that if something happens, you are prepared for the unexpected. Balancing kids, a career, and in some cases caring for aging parents creates additional burdens. Be sure to do your research, meet with an advisor and get your ducks in a row. Avoiding the situation does not make it better. Get clarity on where you are financially and where you want to be and create a plan that will enable you to have peace of mind.  

    1. Get over Imposter Syndrome

    It is often very often for women of color or those working in male-dominated industries can have imposter syndrome. This is an enormous hurdle to your success and affects your confidence severely. As a female executive, working to overcome thoughts of never feeling good enough, over perfectionism or not savoring accomplishments even after having great results, will not help you in your career. Working with an executive or life coach can help you work through these feeling and enable you to grow and truly achieve your aims – be the confident powerhouse you know you can be! More importantly, one takes criticism positively and bounces back from setbacks.

    1. Master your Executive Career

    In today’s business world, women must master their careers to succeed. Women who are less confident face stress and have fewer opportunities to advance. In addition, they may not feel fulfilled in their jobs and may even feel resentment or anger towards those who are more successful than they are. First and foremost, be patient with yourself – it can take time to develop the skills and experience necessary for advancement in the business world. 

    1. Parenting confidence- strong relationships, boundaries, and quality time

    For a female executive, parenting is one of the most challenging and rewarding roles that one will ever take. Hence, it is necessary to have strong relationships with the kids to provide them with a supportive environment. Quality time with your children will positively affect your work life and make you more confident. 

    Benefits to boosting Self-Confidence as a Female Executive:

    • Confidence can result in better performance, both at work and in personal life.
    • Being confident, you are likely to communicate more with people and get better at coordination and teamwork.
    • Exuding confidence means new opportunities for networking and building new relationships or even developing stronger relationships with colleagues and advancing your career.
    • When you feel confident, you are likely to stay motivated, and this positive attitude will spill over into all areas of your life.
    • Confident female executives are more likely to take risks and advance their careers. A confident woman knows that she can achieve anything she sets her mind to – which gives her the courage to take on even the most daunting tasks.

    Confidence is a strong foundation for success on both a professional and personal level.

    Sending you positive thoughts for more clarity, confidence, and certainty.


    P.S. If you want to learn more about the 6 human needs, which could be your primary driver, and increase your understanding of what fuels or triggers you, schedule a complimentary Clarity Session.