Sleep Better At Night – Have a Plan For a Successful Career and Family Care!

Get a Free Copy of “6 steps to Calm the Chaos” to feel less overwhelmed and reactive.

    The pressures of a successful career and family care can be incredibly overwhelming. For women performing both roles, the stress can be particularly intense. According to Today’s Care Giver’s blog, 40-70% of caregivers experience depression and anxiety because of providing care.

    Managing time, prioritizing tasks, and developing strategies are critical for busy women and Executive Coaching is rising as a comprehensive path and strategy for helping women make adjustments, accomplish goals and sleep better at night. Some of the issues Executive Coaching supports executives with are:

    Health, Finances, and Relationship Issues

    Executive coaching can help you balance your hectic career, aging parents plus kids at home. It allows you to address imbalances that you face in life due to hectic routines and a skilled coach can even help you gain insights and devise strategies to manage critical areas of life more effectively.

    Failure, Unworthiness, Self-doubt, and Criticism

    Executive coaching for women can provide a space for the woman to explore fears of failure, feelings of unworthiness, self-doubt, and criticism. With the help of an executive coach, you can better understand what you are striving for and how to attain them. A coach helps you set realistic goals, manage time effectively, and build healthy self-esteem.

    Anxiety over lack of progress

    A woman balancing taking care of children, aging parents, and their job often has multiple competing obligations, often leading to feelings of lack of progress which in turn causes significant anxiety. By partnering with an executive coach, you can identify your struggles and goals, develop action plans and increase your chances of reaching those goals — and attain the balanced life which you deserve. 

    Future uncertainty and inability to meet life demands

    Being a female with so much to manage often leads to uncertainty. You might even fail to plan for the future as you often feel a lack of certainty in life. Feelings of uncertainty make everyday tasks seem impossible. You can learn to balance work and home life while planning for the future with the help of an executive coach.  

    Multiple Competing Priorities

    It often becomes overwhelming for a woman to achieve a balance between hectic work and life and coaching can provide structure for managing stress, help individuals focus on their priorities, and have encouragement and guidance in navigating difficult situations. It enables one to feel more in control, plan better and begin to even have time for self-care!

    Never-Ending to-do List

    The pressure of completing never-ending tasks can be stressful. Likewise, women often have to deal with more challenges than men in the workforce such as traditional motherly duties – leading to overwhelm and uncertainty. Such type of stress can have consequences for both mental and physical health and a coach can aid in identifying tasks that cause the most stress and then provide solutions to reduce the pressure. 

    Be a great parent, caregiver, and employee all at the same time…it is achievable! 

    Now What?

    If you are one of millions of women who are torn between helping your parents and pursuing long-term business goals to support your family, feeling burnt out, unhealthy, stressed, overworked, overscheduled, running on empty, and putting everyone and everything else above your needs – you are not alone.

    Here is my “Clarity, Confidence, and Certainty – 6 Steps To Calm the Chaos” guide. I hope that it gives you some useful tips on getting some balance.

    Sending you positive thoughts for more clarity, confidence, and certainty.


    P.S. If you want to learn more about how I help executive women successfully balance these responsibilities, excell at high-powered careers and build strong plans for wealth, life and career goals, schedule a complimentary Clarity Session.